Wednesday, September 5, 2007


DAY 13 - SEPTEMBER 12, 2000
ROOM 302 (1340H)

The day that was not supposed to start with a wake-up call, started with one, anyway. It was, of all things, some fellow offering French massage services at -- of all things -- five in the morning! Interesting spiel that he had : began by saying the hotel had a special promo, and we were the lucky room. Gracious, just like the telemarketers back home, which should ahve warned me straight off that his intentions were less than honorable (as were the services!). But it wasn't until he started saying that the service was specifically for me alone that I really woke up and managed to deal with him as I do with the telemarketers. Man, I was sleepy -- it took all of maybe three minutes for the whole thing to get through my addled brain cells. A very interesting way to start the morning! Fortunately, all of us were able to get back to sleep and didn't wake up until 0830H.

Leisurely breakfast, and a light one. Then we took a walk in the broiling heat to Galeries Lafayette -- which, like Marks and Spencer, seems to have grown sadly antiquated compared with the interior of Rustan's, or even SM Megamall. We must be the only folks on the tour who turned up our noses at all the French brand names on the Avenue Verdun -- names like Cartier (carried by Rustan's), Louis Vuitton (with its own store somewhere in Glorietta), Hermes (didn't even bother sneaking a peek!).

It rather looks like our real spending will start at Fragonard and Florence and Lucerne. Investment shopping for things you can't find as wonderfully done as at home. Fragonard, of course, is THE outlet for perfume and mama is intent on getting her Joy once again. I'm hoping for a gold bracelet out of Florence, and a Swiss watch out of Lucerne. All other will be just icing on the cake.

What we have bought a lot of, so far, is mineral water. Can't have enough of it in this weather. At 1430H, we're off to St. Paul de Vence, and after we're returned to the hotel, I'm going to go forage for mineral water again and some film. Gotta work off some of these pounds somehow. And the shops start about a block from the htoel, so I should be all right.

ROOM 302 (1920H)

On the bus this afternoon to St. Paul de Vence, I discovered that I was not the only one who got the unexpected 0500H wake-up call -- it seems Mary got one, too. It's a comfort somehow to know that I wasn't the only one who got stuck with a strange experience today. Fortunately all ended well for those involved, and none the worse for the incident.

St. Paul de Vence was pretty. One of those picture-postcard towns, perched on top of a hill overlooking most of the Provence area that includes the Cote d'Azur. Its little cemetery includes the grave of Marc Chagall, one of the greatest artists of the modern era. Picasso and Miro as well, had studios in the area; though perhaps not in the town proper, but in villas on the surrounding hills.

Having climbed the narrow streets, seen the views and taken the requisite number of pictures, we made our way to the little cafe at the bottom of the town that was also our rendezvous point. I ordered -- in fairly decent French -- my cafe au lait and three mineral waters. The maitre was very nice; must've been my beret and its pin that turned the trick.

I can truthfully say today that I drank my first true espresso. And the way it was supposed to be enjoyed, as well -- slowly and while watching people. Maureen joined us with her beer and pulled an interesting trick on Lisa H. There had been an elderly gentleman smiling at our Lisa, and when Fiona told Maureen, the latter went to the elderly man and told him Lisa was still single and looking for a boyfriend. The man asked if we were amenable to taking his wife in exchange!

When apprised of the exchange, Lisa begged Maureen to find someone younger, and Maureen did. For my part, I asked Lisa to look me up if she ever made it to Manila, because I knew one or two guys who would like to meet her. A suggestion she heartily approves of!

My beret got me some attention from a nice old man who asked me where I was from. So I told him. And Lisa told Dad that he should teach me not to talk to strangers -- to which I replied that I hardly needed to worry with everyone behind me!

The bus dropped us off at the hotel, and after settling down Mom and Dad in the room, I went out to forage for our dinner. Follwoing Shirley and Jean's advice, I went poking about the street behind the hotel. The results of my foray were quite interesting : bananas, a six-pack of mineral water (sparkling soda), three club sandwiches, a pink highlighter, and hair conditioner.

We made a picnic of things in the hotel, and have water enough to spare for tomorrow, when we have stops in Monaco, Monte Carlo, and Fragonard, before proceeding to Florence, ITALY. The real souvenir shopping, for us, at least, begins tomorrow, at Fragonard, with a chance to invest in some good perfume and, once in Florence, in a little jewelry!

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