Wednesday, September 5, 2007

[INSIGHT TRAVEL - EUROPEAN GRANDEUR] - Vienna to Innsbruck, Part 2

DAY 25 - SEPTEMBER 24, 2000
ROOM 1101

/...continued from previous post

Nothing could have been harder than to tear myself away from the view, but we had a bus to catch for our coach, and before that, washroom stop and allowance for the elevator. We made it to the mini-bus in good time, with one interesting side note : no seats for Rick and LisaH!

Back at the souvenir store, I made a beeline for the recommended book with documentary photos of how the "Eagle's Nest" came to be. I snapped it up as a present for Ramon, something to add to the Monaco-Monte Carlo cap he's already got (which I am shamelessly wearing to a shred, at that). Lost Ma and Dad in the crowd, and not wanting to spend anything more before Vienna, move into some shade with Alex and Fiona. My opinion being asked about how I found it, I did the only possible thing -- I rave about the sheer beauty and wonder of it all. In a little while, we were joined by Joe and Franca, whom I warmly saluted on her conquest of the mountain. Joe was brandishing the mother of all lollipops, which Alex called "Chupa-chups on steriods..." and I nearly burst my sides with laughing.

Dmitri popped up not long after, and soon Alex and Joe were chatting him up, like the mates that they are. I took the spectator role, and observed the banter, until one particular bit that started with Dmitri asking Franca how she liked this drive as compared to Amalfi. She rolled her eyes and teased that Dmitri drove too fast for her liking. At which our driver assumed a sorrowful expression as he said : "But why tell me this now, when the tour is almost over? All you had to do was ask, and I would have gone more gently!" then he added that sometimes it was necessary to go fast, to keep up with schedules.

Here, Franca hastened to assure Dmitri that his driving was fine, just fine! Then suddenly Alex asked Dmitri if I didn't sing well, and the man's praise brought fire into my cheeks. He then added that my singing would be incentive enough to drive more slowly; at which Franca and Fiona started teasing me to pretty please sing on the bus!

Then Joe dared Dmitri to play at being tour director -- to take the mike as he had done in Rome and give a commentary, even with Lisa present. To which Dmitri replied in French I only half-understood, and left it to me to translate. I declined as gently as I could, saying my French didn't go so far. But it seems there's an undercurrent in that French remark that speaks of something not quite right between Lisa and Dmitri, but put aside for the sake of professionalism on the job. Good on him, say I. (Dmitri still keeps up our morning banter, never failing to ask if I slept well, and I to tease, answer in one new French phrase a day. I'm starting to think French now!)

The others resurfaced in time to spare my blushes, which could easily have been taken amiss. Dad had become the center of attraction with his authentic Bavarian hat, and my exclamation of delighted shock drew sallies from Dmitri, Rick and LisaH. Most of the folk were cheerfully making their way through ice cream cones -- strictly forbidden on the bus. We waited as long as we dared before Lisa had to put her foot down, if we were to get to Innsbruck with time left to do anything!

We hit the road running, and just before turning into the main highway, we stopped to let Rick off. He'd stowed his bike in the luggage bay, and that came out as well. We waved him off as he pedaled towards Gabby and home in fine style, indeed.

Because of our side trip to Berchstesgaden and the "Eagle's Nest", we were late pulling into Innsbruck, the sun was rapidly sinking behind the mountains as we pulled in. But the detour was worth it -- if only for that view of Salzburg from up in that mountain, I would be willing to visit Europe all over again!

Dmitri will spoil me -- he hustled my bags into the hotel foyer faster than I could open my mouth to protest. Luckily no one really noticed since the job was accomplished under cover of the usual room assignment commotion. What a shock to discover how far up the hotel we were, this time around! A view to take one's breath away -- both from the fire escape and the windows. Directly I discovered how the windows opened, I was leaning out of them to take deep breaths of cold air, and to vent myself with singing. Singing has certainly been something I've been doing a lot of on this tour -- especially in the hours before dawn, just like the Bible says in Psalms. Incredible.

Thin walls. I could hear Lisa giving instructions to the porters on the distribution of the baggage. I poked myself out the door in time to receive the first of our suitcases. Once they had been safely landed and opened inside the room, it was time for me to indulge in my usual wanderlust and poke about in the hotel lobby.

Straightaway I found what Liza had mentioned on the bus to get my heart fluttering with delighted anticipation -- the hotel's internet workstation. It was tucked away in a corner of the lounge area, right next to the hotel mini-library with its shelves of best-sellers and magazines and newspapers (alas, all in German).

This fact was duly reported to Ma and Dad, and immediately after dinner, I was online and happily accessing my Web mail. Of course it was too much to hope for that I could go online in peace; no, people had to come up and ask for help and information while I was trying to read the first of hubby-dearest's epistles. It's no wonder I love the man, when he writes letters as long as mine -- when he's in the mood! As it was, I was happily lost in a woirld of my own -- but not so lost as to be able to hear the good-nights the foursome of Joe, Franca, Alex and Fiona, bid to LisaH and Dmitri. It was good to hear all the home news at last, and dash off a fast letter to reassure hubby that I had not yet fallen off one of the alpine peaks. Ever watchful of the time I had been online, I logged-out after making sure my e-mail had gone on its way, and charged expenses to the room.

It's going to be something of a late start tomorrow. What a blessing for Dmitri to be able to sleep in after all the driving today! I just hope being next door to us won't bother his sleep, as we are in a hilarious mood tonight.

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